The International Conference on Graph Theory and Information Security VI
"Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Graph Theory and Information Security"
The International Conference on Graph Theory and Information Security VI 2024 will be held in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia on August 29 – 31, 2024. The conference will focus on work-in-progress: problem-oriented papers and an emphasis on informal discussions.
This conference was initially conducted in 2007. Starting in 2015, it was conducted every two years, hosted by various universities in Indonesia, and was supported by the Indonesia Combinatorial Society (InaCombS). The sixth conference was planned to take place in 2024. The ICGTIS VI 2024 is conducted in Celebrating Anna Llado and Oriol Serra. The conference will be conducted in hybrid mode.
Graph Theory is one of the most active branches in Mathematics which nowadays receives tremendous advances and developments due to their applications to information technology. Many concepts and algorithms arise from this field have significant advantages in telecommunication, biotechnology, security databases, cryptography, and even social sciences. Information Security has been also fastly developed recently. Its development has been stimulating the advances of graph theory, and vice versa.
One of the goals of this conference is to bring together Indonesian researchers from both academia and industry with researchers in these fields from abroad to share their recent research results. We will invite speakers from high outstanding researchers in Graph theory and Information Security.
Selected papers from the conference will be published as a special volume in the Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications (EJGTA – Scopus Q2), Journal of Indonesian Mathematical Society (JIMS – Scopus Q4), Indonesia Journal of Combinatorics (IJC – Sinta S2), or Jurnal Matematika, Statistika, dan Computasi (JMSK – Sinta S3). Papers will be refereed in keeping with the standards of EJGTA, JIMS, IJC, and JMSK.
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research in any areas of graph theory and information security, including but not limited to:
- Ramsey numbers
- Graph labellings/colorings
- Distance in graphs
- Graph decompositions/factorizations
- Degree/diameter problems
- Extremal problems
- Hamiltonian graphs
- Coding theory
- Quantum communication and cryptography
- Algebraic combinatorics
Keynote and Invited Speakers
Besides presentations of accepted papers from contributors, the program of the conference will include 5 lectures from keynote speakers and 3 lectures from invited speakers.
Keynote Speakers
- Sanming Zhou (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
- Jan Kratochvil (Charles University, Czech Republic)
- Christian Barrientos (University of South Florida, United States)
- Nobuaki Obata (Tohoku University, Japan)
Invited Speakers
- Edy Tri Baskoro (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
- Adiwijaya (Telkom University, Indonesia)
- Hasmawati (Hasanuddin University, Indonesia)
Program Committee:
- Nurdin, Universitas Hasanuddin (Chair)
- Hilda Assiyatun, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Co-chair)
- Slamin, Universitas Jember (Co-chair)
- Kiki A. Sugeng, Universitas Indonesia (Co-chair)
- Hasmawati, Universitas Hasanuddin
- I Nengah Suparta, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
- Saib Suwilo, Universitas Sumatera Utara
- Denny Riama Silaban, Universitas Indonesia
- Rinovia Simanjuntak, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- M. Salman A. N, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Organizing Committee
- Nurdin, Universitas Hasanuddin (Chair)
- Amir Kamal Amir, Universitas Hasanuddin
- Nur Erawaty, Universitas Hasanuddin
- Edy Saputra Rusdi, Universitas Hasanuddin
- Jeriko Gormantara, Universitas Hasanuddin
- Nur Rohmah, Universitas Hasanuddin
- Andi Muhammad Anwar, Universitas Hasanuddin
- Muhammad Sadno, Universitas Hasanuddin
- Andi Muh. Amil Siddik, Universitas Hasanuddin
Abstracts must be submitted before 17 August 2024 to:
Accepted abstracts will appear in the abstracts of the conference
Abstract template can be downloaded
Registration Fee
The registration includes the abstracts of the conference. For onsite participants also includes morning teas, lunches, and a conference dinner.
Student | Earlybird/InaCombS or IndoMS member | After 7 July 2024 | |
Domestic | Rp. 500.000 | Rp. 500.000 | Rp. 750.000 |
Foreign | EUR 40 | EUR 50 | EUR 60 |
Method of Transfer Payment
Bank Name : BNI (swift code: BNINIDJA)
Account Number : 0605768238
Account Holder : Nur Rohmah Oktaviani
Bank Name : BRI (swift code: BRINIDJA)
Account Number : 0403 0101 7974 509
Account Holder : Nur Rohmah Oktaviani
For confirmation write lastname_ICGTISVI in the details of transfer
Key dates
- Early bird registration ends: Sunday, 7 July 2024
- Registration ends: Sunday, 17 August 2024
- Abstract submission ends: Sunday, 17 August 2024
- Full paper submission ends: Friday, 1 November 2024
Nurdin : +62 813-9519-0801 (nurdin1701@gmail.com)
Mauliddin : +62 813-5513-7891
Nur Rohmah Oktaviani : +62 852-1572-6042
Accommodation support for student participants provided by IMU.
All applicants are granted with maximum support one million rupiah. The committee needs more information whether some applicants share the accommodation room. Please inform the committee if this condition meets no later than August 17 at 10 am Central Indonesian Time.
Eligible for S1-S2-S3 students or postdoc students from Indonesia or overseas;
Maximum support for each grantee Rp. 1.500.000;
Supports are prioritized to presenters;
Applicants must register in LINK before Monday August 12, 2024, 12.00 AM Central Indonesia Time;
Succesful applicants must provide the receipt of payment of accommodation;
The committee decision will be announced on Thursday August 15, 2024.