[:en]Mathematic Alumni Gathering and Halal Bi Halal, 6 May 2022[:in]Temu Alumni Matematika dan Halal Bi Halal, 6 Mei 2022[:]

[:en]The Department of Mathematics on May 6, 2022 held an activity “Alumni Gathering of Mathematics and Halal Bi Halal, May 6, 2022” at the Ali Murah Restaurant which was attended by the deputy governor of East Kalimantan Hadi Mulyadi. In this activity, Hadi Mulyadi distributed door prizes in the form of 11 bicycles to alumni who attended. On this occasion, the current condition of the Mathematics Department of FMiPA Unhas was also presented.

[:in]Departemen Matematika Fakultas Mipa Universitas Hasanuddin pada tanggal 6 Mei 2022 mengadakan  kegiatan “Temu Alumni Matematika dan Halal Bi Halal, 6 Mei 2022” bertempat RM ALi Murah yang dihadiri oleh wagub Kalimantan Timur Hadi Mulyadi. Pada kegiatan tersebut, Hadi Mulyadi membagikan doorprize berupa 11 sepeda kepada alumni yang hadir. Pada kesempatan tersebut juga dipaparkan kondisi terkini Jurusan Matematika FMiPA Unhas.


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